Worlds largest library
Poddr uses iTunes API to gather information. Since iTunes has the largest podcast library in the world this means you will most likely find something of interest no matter if you want music, politics or comedy. If your favourite podcast feed is missing you can manually add it with ease to your favourites.
Desktop integration
Poddr is built to integrate with most desktop environments on the market. This means that mediakeys and other system integrations works out of the box.
Elegant and customizable UI
Poddr focuses on a dark and simple UI that is easy to navigate around. The user can also set their own accent color and theme to match their own preference.
Offline playback
If you're gonna be on the run you can download and play episodes offline.
Poddr is free software with no ads which means that I make no profit from this piece of software. Poddr started as a personal project but have grown bigger and more complex with time.
I very much appreciate all types of contributions, no matter if it's a bug report or money to buy myself a coffee, I value them all highly!
Open source
Poddr is open source which means you can contribute with your ideas in the form of code or issues in the repository on GitHub! Examples of contributions are:
- Bug reports
- Feature requests
- Ideas for improvement
- Code
I would very much like to hear about what you like or don't like with Poddr. Open an issue in the repository or contact me by one of the methods found below.
If you don't have the knowledge or time to get involved on GitHub there's also the possibility to make monetary donations to help the development of Poddr.
You can become a GitHub Sponsor.
There's also a Patreon page where you can sponsor me.