Pop-Pop.css is a pure CSS tooltip library with no dependencies and support for CSS custom properties.


NPM or Yarn

npm install @sn8z/pop-pop.css

yarn add @sn8z/pop-pop.css


<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@sn8z/pop-pop.css@latest/dist/pop-pop.min.css">


If you want you can just download the normal or the minified CSS file from the GitHub repo and include it in your HTML as you would normally.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="pop-pop.css">

Basic usage

Just add the attributes aria-label and data-pop to the tag where you want a tooltip to appear.

<p aria-label="Tooltip text" data-pop>...</p>


Attributes marked with * can be globally modified with the use of CSS custom properties instead of applying the attribute everywhere.

Positioning Arrow Multiline Radius Shadow Delay Visibility CSS custom properties Limitations

Positioning (data-pop)

<button aria-label="I'm above!" data-pop="top">
	Hover me!
<button aria-label="I'm to the right!" data-pop="right">
	Hover me!
<button aria-label="I'm below!" data-pop="bottom">
	Hover me!
<button aria-label="I'm to the left!" data-pop="left">
	Hover me!

Arrow (data-pop-arrow)

<button aria-label="I've an arrow!" data-pop data-pop-arrow>
	Hover me!

Multiline* (data-pop-multiline)

<button aria-label="..." data-pop data-pop-multiline>
	Hover me!

Radius* (data-pop-no-radius)

<button aria-label="I've no border-radius" data-pop data-pop-no-radius>
	Hover me!

Shadow* (data-pop-no-shadow)

<button aria-label="I've no box-shadow" data-pop data-pop-no-shadow>
	Hover me!

Delay* (data-pop-delay)

<button aria-label="I'm delayed!" data-pop data-pop-delay="short">
	Hover me for 0.5 seconds!
<button aria-label="I'm delayed!" data-pop data-pop-delay="medium">
	Hover me for 1.5 seconds!
<button aria-label="I'm delayed!" data-pop data-pop-delay="long">
	Hover me for 3 seconds!


By default tooltips will show on hover and focus but what if you want a tooltip to always show? Then you can simply add the attribute data-pop-show. This can also be used to programmatically show and hide a tooltip by applying the attribute with the help of Javascript for example.

<button aria-label="I'm always visible!" data-pop data-pop-show data-pop-arrow>
	I'm a button!

I'll show a tooltip!

<button aria-label="I'm always visible!" data-pop data-pop-show data-pop-arrow>
	I'm a button!

CSS custom properties

You can use CSS custom properties to customize your tooltips even further! This will reduce the HTML attribute clutter and give you the possibility to globally modify your tooltips. This can be done by overwriting the CSS variables in your own CSS file.

:root {
  --pop-bg-color: #ff0000;
CSS custom property Default Description
--pop-text-color #efefef Tooltip text color
--pop-bg-color #252525 Tooltip background color
--pop-shadow 0px 0px 5px var(--pop-shadow-color) Tooltip box-shadow settings
--pop-shadow-color #252525 Tooltip box-shadow color
--pop-transition-delay 0.2s The delay before the tooltip is shown
--pop-animation-speed 0.1s Tooltip animation speed
--pop-border-radius 5px Tooltip border radius
--pop-padding 8px Tooltip padding
--pop-offset 15px Tooltip offset from element
--pop-font-size 12px Font size (will set both font-size & line-height)
--pop-arrow-size 5px Size of the tooltip arrow
--pop-word-wrap none Decides how to break the text when using mutiple lines
--pop-white-space nowrap specifies how white-space inside the tooltip is handled
--pop-min-width 0px The minimum width of the tooltip
--pop-z 999 The z-index of the tooltip

You can also style a single tooltip by targeting its element id or class and overwrite the CSS properties. Make sure you target the ::after pseudo element if you want to style the tooltip and ::before if you want to style the arrow!

<p id="unique" aria-label="Text here" data-pop data-pop-show data-pop-arrow>...</p>
#unique::after {
  --pop-bg-color: #FF0000;
  --pop-font-size: 16px;
  --pop-padding: 20px;
#unique::before {
  --pop-bg-color: #FF0000;

Known issues

Non-closing tags

Since Pop-Pop.css makes use of pseudo elements it won't work on it's own with non closing tags (img, input, hr etc.). In these cases you could wrap another tag around it and apply Pop-Pop.css to it instead.

<span aria-label="POP POP!" data-pop><img src="..."/></span>

Other pseudo elements

If the element has another ::after or ::before pseudo element attached to it Pop-Pop.css won't be able to work correctly.

overflow: hidden;

The tooltip will be cut off if the parent element has the attribute overflow: hidden; enabled and there's limited space. This is unfortunately something that can't be solved with CSS alone.